Tabitha Founded as Orphanage
Rev. Henry Heiner and his wife, Emma, founds Tabitha as an orphanage. He named the organization Tabitha in honor of Tabitha Katharina, one of his nine children, who died in 1893
“Old Main” is Constructed
Tabitha builds Old Main on the northwest corner of a 10-acre tract of land at 46th and Randolph to provide housing for the increasing number of resident children and adults
Tabitha Expands
Tabitha becomes a Lutheran hospital and school of nursing, in addition to serving as a home for children and adults
Building a New Home for Boys
Tabitha constructs dormitory for boys, known as Nazareth Building
Girls’ Dormitory Built
Tabitha constructs girls’ dormitory, known as Bethel Building
Original Role as Orphanage Ends
Tabitha completes its role as an orphanage and transitions into dedicated care for older adults
Creation of Tabitha Foundation
Stuart Maseman begins the Tabitha Foundation to raise funds to help support Tabitha’s services and mission
Special Care Services
Private-duty home care services established as Special Care Services
Maseman Hospice Unit Dedicated
The Maseman Unit for inpatient hospice care is dedicated in honor of Martha A. Maseman, RN, who pioneered Tabitha’s Home Health Care, Hospice and Tabitha Meals on Wheels services
Expanding to Nebraska City
Tabitha opens office in Nebraska City
National Recognition
Tabitha receives national ``Trusted Voice Award`` from LeadingAge
Eventide Affiliation
Tabitha enters into an Affiliation with nonprofit Eventide, a leading and like-minded Senior Care provider based in Moorhead, Minnesota, since 1951 and serving western Minnesota and North Dakota