Hospice Volunteer Application
By clicking SEND, I agree that:
As a volunteer, I realize that I am subject to a code of ethics similar to that which binds the professionals in the field in which I work. I, like them, assume certain responsibility and expect to account for what I do in terms of what is expected of me. I understand that any information that is disclosed to me while volunteering in the Tabitha Hospice Program is confidential and must be shredded.
I hereby authorize the release of information regarding my abilities. I further release all persons and Tabitha from any and all liability resulting from the furnishing of such information. All information listed by me on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Finally, I interpret “volunteer” to mean that I have agreed to work without compensation in money. Having been accepted as a volunteer, I will follow the policies and procedures presented during the volunteer orientation, as directed by the Hospice Volunteer Coordinator, and according to the standards set forth in the Volunteer Policies and Procedures.