Supporting You in Your Time of Grief

Tabitha’s comprehensive bereavement program offers support to spouses and family members during a time of loss.

Tabitha Hospice offers bereavement services for 18 months following the loss of your loved one.

  • Individual grief support
  • Grief support groups
  • Educational grief events
  • Phone call check-ins/support
  • Remembrance services
  • Mailings, including grief support, Embrace newsletter, resources and more

Tabitha Hospice Bereavement Coordinators

Our Bereavement Coordinators provide grief support following the death of your loved one.

Juanita Steenbakkers - Bereavement Coordinator

Juanita Steenbakkers

Serving the Nebraska City Area

Jason Padilla - Bereavement Coordinator

Jason Padilla

Serving the Lincoln/Lancaster Area

Daniel Rogers

Dan Rogers

Serving the Grand Island, Kearney & York Areas

Grief Support Groups & Remembrance Services

Tabitha is proud to offer Grief Support Groups throughout the year as a service to family members and friends experiencing the recent death of a loved one. The meetings promote healthy conversation between a Tabitha team member specifically trained in grief support and a small group of individuals going through a common experience.

The purpose of Tabitha’s grief support groups is to equip participants with the tools and resources needed to reinvest in life.

Grief Tip Videos

Tabitha’s Bereavement Coordinators bring you words of advice, grief education, support and more in these grief tip videos
created just for Tabitha Hospice.

Grief Note

“Today is mostly sunny!” That’s what I told myself this morning when I saw the clouds in the sky. Between them, the sun was peeking through. I chose not to focus on the clouds, but the blue sky and bright sunshine instead.

One might call this “positive thinking” or “blissful ignorance,” but most people do it without realizing.

Similarly, how you view grief is a choice you make. Louis LaGrand puts it this way in his book, “Healing Grief, Finding Peace” — “Will you be loss oriented in the months and years ahead, or will you be restoration oriented?

In other words, will you see the sunny possibilities for rebuilding life and growing through loss? Or will your loss cloud your chances of moving forward?

At times, the sadness that you feel in grief might make it seem impossible to continue on.

The truth is that time is moving forward regardless. The bigger question is: how will you?

The Book of Lamentations tells us how God’s people face loss. In Chapter 3, Verse 21: “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope.”

The act of “calling to mind” is an intentional and ongoing effort to reorient your thinking, despite perhaps feeling burdened, sorrowful, lonely, tired or all of the above. It will help you remember what gives you hope, even while you are deeply experiencing grief.

So what gives YOU hope? What makes your day sunnier? How can you begin to be more restoration oriented in your everyday life? If you aren’t sure where to start, a good starting point for you may be Lamentations 3:22-24.

As always, Tabitha’s Bereavement Coordinators are here to help along your grief journey.

Grief Book and Podcast Suggestions

Sometimes finding the right book, website or podcast can help you process thoughts, feelings and provide helpful insight or information. Check out suggestions by types of loss.

Tips for Caregivers

Assisting someone under hospice care can be difficult. Tabitha offers a variety of helpful articles from managing anticipatory grief, taking care of yourself, visiting with children, reminiscing, communication, spiritual health and talking to someone on hospice.
Tips for Caregivers: Anticipating Holidays
Anticipatory Grief & the Holidays

Anticipatory grief is a hard journey, and holidays make it even harder. Here are some tips to help cope with anticipatory grief.

Tips for Caregivers: Take Care of Yourself to Better Care for Others
Take Care of Yourself to Better Care for Others

Caretaking, in any instance, but especially during hospice care can be difficult. Try these tips to avoid caregiver burnout and support your mental health.

Tips for Caregivers: Children Visiting a Loved One
Children Visiting a Loved One

The best thing to do for children before visiting a loved one in a hospital or senior living community is to prepare them for the visit.

Tips for Caregivers: Reminisce Now
Reminisce Now

Sharing past recollections is valuable for your loved one as they near the end of their life. Use these helpful tips to talk to a loved one about their memories and experiences.

Using Social Media to Communicate
Using Social Media to Communicate

Using social media to communicate about sensitive subjects, like serious illness or impending death, requires thought and consideration.

Tips for Caregivers: Maintain Your Spiritual Health
Maintain Your Spiritual Health

When dealing with a serious illness and death, spiritual issues often arise. Here are some tips to keeping the faith when grieving.

Tips for Caregivers: Talking to a Loved One Under Hospice Care
Talking to a Loved One Under Hospice Care

Determining how to approach a loved one about their chronic illness or death in general is challenging, but can be easier when you have the facts.

Tips for Caregivers: Ruminating in Grief
Ruminating in Grief

Grief has many elements. Sometimes we focus on one aspect over and over, also referred to as “looping.” Here are tips to help cope with “the loop.”

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