Do you frequently find yourself worrying about your safety or the safety of your loved ones? No matter your age, feeling secure within your surroundings is crucial to your well-being. After all, it’s the second most important need on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs!
June marks National Safety Month, making it a great time to reflect on the environments you live, breathe, socialize, work and exist in every day. Read on to learn simple ways to prioritize safety and prevent catastrophes while doing so.
Home, sweet home can also be home, safe home.
Start with the basics: test your fire alarm and carbon monoxide detectors, check for faulty outlets or electrical cords, and scout out any potential hazards like uneven steps or slippery flooring that could cause a fall. Keep children and critters safe by storing cleaning products in accordance with the information on their labels — and if any accident happens, keep emergency numbers handy for anyone in the home to access. It’s also important to keep medications labeled and in a secure spot to avoid dosage errors or confusion. Don’t forget to properly dispose of expired or unused meds.
The best workplace is a safe one.
Whether your day involves sitting in an office or heavy lifting on a construction site, being aware of your company’s emergency procedures sets you a step ahead if a disastrous situation were to occur. Office workers should routinely declutter their workspace to avoid fire hazards. Take regular breaks to stand up, stretch and get a few steps in to help you avoid long-term health issues.
On the other hand, manual workers — which can apply to anyone on their feet for hours at a time — should perform frequent self-evaluations on their current physical and mental state to avoid dehydration, overexertion, or receiving an injury that could stem from indifference or detachment on an active work site.
How do you stay safe in the big, unpredictable world?
When it comes to safety in a public place, preparing for the trip at hand and staying alert to your surroundings is half the battle. With summer rolling around, remember to dress accordingly, stay indoors in extreme heat and travel with water in hand. Stay in touch with neighbors and local family members, whether you need them to assist you with shopping, help with the kids or pets, or to come to your aid in the time of crisis.
The community safety approach is incredibly helpful to keeping vulnerable populations like children, disabled and older adults safe. Once you finish your own home, workplace or neighborhood safety screenings, check in on your neighbors to see if they could use some help too. Having each other’s back leads to a more welcoming, supportive and overall happier community!
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