Prevention Gone Personal—How Self-Checks Can Save Your Life

Prevention Gone Personal—How Self-Checks Can Save Your Life

In the throes of life, it’s easy to get distracted by finances, family or circumstances you can’t control. Among all this, when do you remember to care for yourself? February is National Self-Check Month—it’s a great reminder to take a step back and re-evaluate your overall wellness.

A good self-check is more than a half-hearted once-over. By staying consistent and being aware of your body’s cues, you may even catch the beginning signs of a disease or illness that could wreak havoc on your health.

What does a self-check entail?

Self-checks can be anything from visiting your doctor for preventative appointments or simply inspecting yourself for anything out of the ordinary—like unusual skin tags or pain in a particular part of the body. It should really focus on an evaluation of what your “normal” is.

Getting acquainted with your individual interpretation of what normal looks and feels like is a crucial first step to help you notice when something doesn’t feel or look quite right. And when in doubt: see your doctor!

What am I supposed to be self-checking? has a plethora of awesome resources on specific self-checks. Their website lists some of the most important self-check methods for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, and provides detailed descriptions on how to perform these self-checks, how often to do them, and the irregularities you should keep an eye out for.

Remember, every individual is different, so an anomaly for someone else could very well be normal for you; this serves as a reminder that your “normal” is unique, and why seeing your doctor annually is critical to being proactive with your health.

Can self-checks show me what my health will look like in the future?

Predicting your future isn’t such an implausible idea. Knowing your family medical history and alerting your primary care provider to any risk factors can help you with a plan of action to keep you happy and healthy, come what may. In some circumstances, one might not know their family history—and that’s okay! Taking action to correct your daily routine, eating habits or exercise patterns are simple ways to help you navigate around health hardships.

Even if you only do a self-check once a year when February rolls around, taking note of your personal “normal” will help you recognize when your health is awry. Not to mention, it’s empowering knowing that you know yourself better than anyone else! Your body will thank you for granting it the kindness of proactive health.

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